Monday, 16 April 2012

William Nicholson - The wind singer novel reflection ( 366 pages )

The Gold smarties book prize 2000 "the wind singer" is a story based a long time ago in the walls of the grand city Aramanth in witch exams are everything  in the porly base society. When Kestrel dares to rebel , the cheif examiner humiliates the Hash family with the harshest punishment off them all.Kestrel has a strong will to fight for the sake of the family with strong set determination sets off on an impossible journey to the west in search of the wind singers voice with his rebellion friends in witch including Mumpo and Bowman.Will they save Aramanth and there family in time.............
I liked this book a lot because it had a view of society in witch is rally spoken.This book finishes with lots of questions on real life society. Is it fair? No it is not.Not everyone has the same importunity to succeed.Not everyone is garenteed with a bright future. Is there a better way of society? Why is school in life everything? The family in this book is a strong family who rebelled in a world very similar to ours were only important buissness men get to make important decisions mean while poor people who are just as equal do not get herd.There is also anther problem.Most of the facts we have to revise on school is use less knowledge in witch we will forget just days after the test.The school also test you on things that you will have never known.If  they tested me on hockey I would know all of it but not once in these 7 years of school have I had a single question on a test about hockey 

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